When using the fastcgi_split_path_info directive, the $fastcgi_script_name variable equals the value of the first capture set by the directive. $ ...
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Dec 8, 2014 · fastcgi_split_path_info : This directive defines a regular expression with two captured groups. The first captured group is used as the value ...
Dec 19, 2023 · The fastcgi_split_path_info directive is a powerful feature provided by Nginx that allows you to split the path info into multiple variables. It ...
Oct 29, 2019 · With Nginx+PHP fpm the fastcgi_split_path_info parameter is generated wrong: fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)\$; instead of:
Oct 29, 2019 · The regexp in `fastcgi_split_path_info` directive can be broken using the newline character (in encoded form, %0a). Broken regexp leads to ...
Sep 21, 2021 · Hello, I have a server using the "FPM application served by nginx" option, but this results in an empty $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] variable.
In the fastcgi_params file (for example, located in /etc/nginx/), add: ... fastcgi_split_path_info (/gas)(/?.+)$; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$ ...
Oct 28, 2019 · fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; fastcgi_pass php:9000; ... } ``` which also lacks any ...